Blessing the Children

Christian educators are uniquely positioned to educate students in a way the world cannot. As students enter the classrooms of Christian schools where the name of the Lord is spoken and the light of the Lord is seen through their teachers, they will find blessing and an enriched education. Christian educators will find blessing and encouragement in Dr. Vernard Gant's message from Leadership Academy 2013 as he encourages Christian schools to educate students who are not duplicates of public school graduates, but students educated with excellence in the Lord.

The Power of a Minute

Presented at NEXUS Live 2012, Dr. Stafford impresses upon the impact of one minute on a child's life to shape and define who he or she will become. A minute that can last an eternity...each individual can identify minutes in their lives that were defining moments...moments that can build or destroy. Through a heartbreaking account of one of his own defining minutes, Dr. Stafford appeals to all adults to consider each moment they stand before a child as a divine appointment, remembering that "every child needs and deserves somebody who believes in them and loves them completely."

Leadership Lessons from the Leading Ladies of the Bible - Part 1: Ruth, Esther and Abigail

Learn about their challenges and victories, and learn valuable life and leadership lessons from their lives that apply to you! Explore how YOU can be a leading lady in your own life like these Bible heroines. *Participants will receive CEU in biblical studies, leading toward completion of the ACSI EE 4-hour Accreditation requirements. Competency 11

Best Practices in Teaching Bible-1

*Please note that due to technical difficulties, Best Practices in Teaching Bible-2 will not be available at this time. Join presenter Dr. Marti MacCullough, Philadelphia Biblical University. How is the teaching of Bible both similar and different from the teaching of other subject matter? The first session will address the answer to the question, "How do humans learn because of their humanness?" This session will focus particularly on the commonalities related to human learning and the applications appropriate for any subject matter.
Target Audience: Secondary educators

Ruth: A Gentile and a Jew and the Lineage of the Greatest King of Israelite History-2

The Old Testament book of Ruth is not a love story describing Ruth's pursuit and capture of the heart of Boaz; rather, it is a story of God's activity in "His-story" that led to the greatest king of Israel's history. This webinar will discuss the wonderful story telling of the book of Ruth, the reasons it is incorrectly read as a love story, and how this literary work reveals the surprising hand of God in the history.

Ruth: A Gentile and a Jew and the Lineage of the Greatest King of Israelite History-1

The Old Testament book of Ruth is not a love story describing Ruth's pursuit and capture of the heart of Boaz; rather, it is a story of God's activity in "His-story" that led to the greatest king of Israel's history. This webinar will discuss the wonderful story telling of the book of Ruth, the reasons it is incorrectly read as a love story, and how this literary work reveals the surprising hand of God in the history.

Clear Focus - Following the Eyes of Jesus

The growing demands placed upon teachers are considerable: lesson preparation, grading responsibilities, parent conferences, administrative duties, special education documentation, behavior management, professional development, technological advancements, etc. It is easy for teachers to become overwhelmed and distracted from their primary calling and purpose—their students. Ironically, all of these things are necessary for effective teaching, but without clear focus, teachers can miss who they are serving in the process.
How many students are in our classrooms, on our sports teams, or in our fine arts programs desperately needing our focused attention? How can we possibly meet their needs while keeping pace with all of our additional responsibilities? The answer is simpler than we might imagine. When we focus intently on who, we began to escape the tyranny of what that steals the joy from our lives and service. When we remember who all of those lesson plans are actually for, why we meticulously grade their assignments and partner with their parents, and how we work hard to improve our teaching techniques to meet our students' learning needs, our focus becomes even clearer. We remember to focus on who, not what. This is the essence of biblical discipleship—what we have been commissioned by Jesus Christ to do.
A former teacher, school administrator, and adjunct professor, Dr. Stephen Reel currently serves as ACSI Vice-President USA. He is the author of "Clear Focus: Rediscovering the Most Important Aspect of Christian School Ministry."

The Spiritual Lives of Teachers: Stress, Rest, and Retreat

Teachers are at risk for burnout, more than most other professions; hence, teachers need protective spiritual disciplines to enhance their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. We will explore why rest, retreat, Sabbath, and solitude are essential disciplines for educators to flourish as God designed. Christian educators will gain insight into the common threads of spiritual experiences in the classrooms of Christian educators worldwide.

Sticky Faith: Practical Ideas to Help Young People's Faith Last

As teachers and administrators, we do all we can to help kids develop a faith that lasts. Yet approximately 40-50% of graduating seniors pick-up their diplomas and ditch their faith. Join Dr. Kara Powell for this webinar and learn new research-based, practical tips from the Fuller Youth Institute that you can apply immediately in your classroom and school to help kids of all ages have lasting faith.

The Spiritual Lives of Teachers

What does it mean to have a Spirit-led classroom? Join Dr. June Hetzel as she explores the spiritual landscape of the classroom and discusses spiritual strategies and vulnerabilities of classroom teachers. Christian educators will gain insight into the common threads of spiritual experiences in the classrooms of Christian educators worldwide.