Hidden Courses
In Session 1 of the 2025 series of Bible Teacher Network webinars, Dr. Sean McDowell provides practical guidance for how to teach the Bible to our students. He addresses the question, “How do we help our students see the relevancy of Scripture and why faith matters in their modern culture?” These insights and examples are tailored for high school Bible teachers, though the overarching principles are also relevant for lower grades.
In Session 2 of the 2025 Bible Teacher Network webinar series, Dr. Sean McDowell provides practical guidance for how to address sexual issues, including LGBTQ, with students. The information is geared toward high-school Bible teachers, counselors, mentors, and administrators, but the ideas could be adapted for younger grades.
Like any skilled artist, teachers rely on a set of unassuming yet powerful tools to refine their practice and create a transformative learning environment. Join Karrie Edwards in this training where she unveils practical and simple techniques that ignite student motivation and foster a classroom culture of love, respect, and value.
Whether you are a new teacher embarking on your teaching journey or a seasoned educator seeking to enhance your instructional approach, this training will benefit you and your students. Karrie Edwards has meticulously curated a collection of functional tools that will empower you to guide students towards positive learning behaviors and remarkable achievement.
You'll gain invaluable insights into cultivating student motivation and creating a classroom atmosphere where every individual feels valued and inspired. From proven strategies for engagement to fostering a culture of respect, you will learn how to wield these effective tools with precision and artistry.
Step into your role as an artist of education and embark on a journey of educational excellence like never before. Unleash your teaching artistry with the power of effective tools.
No matter what your role in education is - teacher, administrator, or support staff - much is usually expected of you. You can often feel pulled in multiple directions and as a result you can often feel discouraged, burned out, and ineffective. What should be your priority as an educator? How do you decide where to focus your energy and time? Are you really supposed to attend to all the needs of all the students? How should Christian education be different from secular education?
As an educator, you have probably been exposed to multiple instructional tools, methods, and theories that inform and assist your role in education. New ideas and new technologies have become a constant part of education often claiming superiority over past practices. As Christian educators, however, we follow an unchanging standard based on God and the gospel of Jesus Christ that is the central theme of His Word. How does this story of transforming grace inform your methodology, theory, and practice?
"Your Christian School: A Culture of Grace?" will allow you to examine your priorities in your role of education. It will help and compel you to create a school or classroom that is aligned with the work God is doing in the lives of students.
From Brittle to Brilliant is designed for teachers, administrators, test coordinators, and any educators who want to leverage the power of data to improve student learning and educational outcomes. You'll not only acquire the expertise to accurately decipher and analyze data but also the ability to effectively articulate the meaningful narrative embedded in the data, whether communicating with parents or other stakeholders.
Insular Culture is a construct in the Flourishing School Culture Model (FSCM). Insular Culture is defined as, “The school shields students from the world's brokenness, the school is independent from the surrounding community, and/or the student body lacks diversity.” In the PD by Design offering, Cultivating Biblical Unity, we engage in a discussion around the theology, philosophy, and practicality of ethnicity, race, and culture as one aspect of insular culture. The video teachings and activities provided are designed to foster a biblically based, transformative experience for educators to examine how they can reach every student.
Course ID: ACSI2024PDBD04
Do you personally desire to be more inclusive? Does your school desire to be an inclusive community? As part of our Flourishing School Culture Model, Responsiveness to Special Needs has been identified as a construct under the Expertise & Resources Domain and an indicator of a flourishing school. Elizabeth Dombrowski, Executive Director of All Belong, walks through the history of inclusion and what it means to be an inclusive school for students of all abilities. Pam Maat, Trainer for All Belong, shares an overview of the three-step process they use to show how to know kids excellently and provide truly inclusive education for every student in the classroom.
In this five-part conversation between the co-authors of Flourishing Together: A Christian Vision for Students, Educators, and Schools, Dr. Lynn Swaner (ACSI and Cardus) and Andy Wolfe (Church of England Schools) unpack the five domains of flourishing explored in the book: Purpose, Relationships, Learning, Resources, and Well-Being. They explore the biblical framework for each domain, discuss the challenges today’s schools face, and explore practical suggestions for school leaders in moving toward greater flourishing.
Inspire Chair Training
Prepare for the Inspire Accreditation Visit with our comprehensive course designed for visiting team Chairs and Co-Chairs. Learn the essential roles of a Team Chair, master pre-visit readiness tasks, effectively communicate and structure team efforts, and manage on-site schedules and tasks for a seamless accreditation process.
Inspire School Training
This course prepares school steering committee members and leadership for the Inspire Accreditation Visit. It offers an overview of the accreditation timeline, guides the formation of committees, and explains the steps needed to complete the self-study. Participants will also explore available Inspire resources and receive practical advice on navigating the Team Visit process, ensuring a smooth and successful accreditation journey.
Inspire Team Training
Designed for Christian educators assigned to an accreditation team, this course equips you for a successful Inspire Accreditation Visit. Gain a clear understanding of your role and expectations, review the work timeline, learn guidelines for stakeholder interviews and classroom visits, master techniques for completing the Visiting Team Report, and practice writing effective commendations and recommendations.