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Making the Connections: How to Put Biblical Worldview Integration into Practice-4-9

Don Johnson and Dr. Christian Overman with Connection Ministry

Because we believe that true biblical worldview integration in the classroom is a skill that can be acquired and diligently maintained, we have designed a course called Making the Connections: How to Put Biblical Worldview Integration into Practice. This effective approach to integration is a teaching methodology and skill that equips teachers to design lesson plans integrating the biblical worldview with academic subject matter at all grade levels, using any curriculum. This approach will help students make the connections between the pieces of their lives and God's larger view of reality. Helping students make these connections is at the very core of distinctively Christian education! The course includes an accompanying workbook and the Making the Connections Participant Guide. These texts and other companion texts designed to accompany this course may be purchased on our website at The Participant Guide can be purchased at